Diktlesing ved Ashur Etwebi og James Byrne

Kva: Are you in the hills Ashur – diktlesing ved Ashur Etwebi og James Byrne
Når: 7. juli kl. 18.00–18.40
Kvar: Longyearbyen folkebibliotek
Kven: Longyearbyen folkebibliotek, Artica Svalbard, tidsskriftet The Wolf og Norsk PEN

Den libyske lyrikaren Ashur Etwebi og den britiske lyrikaren James Byrne les frå dei nye verka sine – både på arabisk og engelsk. Slik kryssar dei kontinent og sjangrar og viser fram ein særeigen vennskap gjennom poesien. Ashur Etwebi og James Byrne begynte samarbeidet sitt under kunstfestivalen Al-Sendian i Syria i 2009. Sidan då har Etwebi og Byrne samarbeidd om å omsetje lyrikken til Etwebi. I 2011 skreiv Byrne diktet «Are you in the hills Ashur» då USA ikkje ville avvise militær intervensjon i Libya og opprørsstyrkane blei slått tilbake.

Vi går saman frå biblioteket ned til Longyearbyen sjøområde:

Kva: 15-årsjubileum for The Wolf
Når: 7. juli kl. 19.30–21.30
Kvar: Artica Svalbard, Vei 608 – 3, 9170 Longyearbyen, Svalbard
Kven: Artica Svalbard og The Wolf

Bli med på å feire 15-årsjubileet til poesitidsskriftet The Wolf – i Longyearbyen på Svalbard

For å markere 15-årsjubileet i Longyearbyen vil Ashur Etwebi og James Byrne, som er redaktør i The Wolf, lese utvalde høgdepunkt frå den 15 år lange historia til poesitidsskriftet The Wolf.

Tidsskriftet The Wolf blei grunnlagt i april 2002 av lyrikarane James Byrne og Nicholas Cobic med eit klart mål om å gi plass til nye lyrikktalent ved sida av dei meir etablerte. Det kjem no ut tre gonger i året og blir redigert av James Byrne.

Frå å vere i oppstartsfasen gjekk The Wolf raskt over til å bli eit leiande og sjølvstendig poesitidsskrift i Storbritannia. Neil Astley, redaktør i Bloodaxe, sa det slik i ei forelesing for Stanza: «Det neste [poesitidsskriftet] å følgje med på blir The Wolf, som har ein ung redaksjon som ikkje er redd for å vekkje oppsikt.»

Sidan 2002 er over 350 lyrikarar – frå alle verdsdelar – blitt publiserte i The Wolf.

The Wolf publiserer omsetjingar, kritikkar og intervju med leiande samtidslyrikarar, og dette blir ofte omtalt som definerande eigenskapar ved tidsskriftet.

Det blir servert suppe!

English text:

What: Are you in the hills Ashur. Poetry reading by Ashur Etwebi & James Byrne
When: 7th July at 18:00-18:40
Where: Longyearbyen folkebibliotek / Longyearbyen library
Who: Longyearbyen library, Artica Svalbard, The Wolf magazine and Norsk PEN

Libyan poet Ashur Etwebi and British poet James Byrne read from their new works – both in Arabic and English – crossing continents and styles, reflecting a very special friendship through poetry. Ashur Etwebi and James Byrne started their collaboration during the Al-Sendian arts festival, Syria, in 2009. Since then, Etwebi and Byrne have collaborated on the translation of Etwebi’s poetry. In 2011 Byrne wrote the poem ‘Are you in the hills Ashur’ when the United States refused to rule out a military intervention in Libya, and rebel forces were beaten back.

Together we walk from the library to Artica Studios;

What: The Wolf’s 15th anniversary
When: 7th July at 19:30-21:30
Where: Artica Svalbard, Vei 608 3, 9170 Longyearbyen, Svalbard
Who: Artica Svalbard and The Wolf

Join us to celebrate the poetry magazine The Wolf’s 15th anniversary – in Longyearbyen, Svalbard.

To mark the 15th anniversary in Longyearbyen, poet Ashur Etwebi and James Byrne, editor of The Wolf, will read a selection of highlights from the 15 year-history of the poetry publication The Wolf.

The Wolf magazine was founded in April 2002 by the poets James Byrne and Nicholas Cobic with a clear emphasis on publishing emerging new poets alongside more established writers. It is now published three times a year and edited by James Byrne.

The formative years of The Wolf quickly established the magazine as a leading independent poetry magazine in the UK. As Bloodaxe editor Neil Astley remarked during a lecture for Stanza: “The next [poetry magazine] to watch will be The Wolf, which has a young editorial team who aren’t afraid to ruffle a few feathers.”

Since 2002, over 350 poets – from all of the world’s continents – have been published in The Wolf.

The Wolf publishes international translations, critical prose and interviews with leading contemporary poets, which are frequently cited as being the defining characteristics of the magazine.

Soup will be served!


Ashur Etwebi – nominated for the Artica Svalbard Residency Programme by Norwegian PEN.
Ashur Etwebi is one of Libya’s leading writers; he has published nine books of poetry and a novel, many of which have been published in English. Etwebi has translated a wide range of international poetry into Arabic and has been a prominent figure in Libya’s literary scene after the fall of Muammar Gaddafi. He has co-organised cultural and literary festivals and conferences showcasing both Libyan and international poetry and music, including the Tripoli International Poetry Festival in 2012. Etwebi resides in Trondheim.

James Byrne is a British poet, translator and Editor of The Wolf magazine. His most recent poetry collections include 'Everything Broken Up Dances', published by Tupelo Press in the United States and 'White Coins', both in 2015. Other published collections include 'Blood/Sugar' by Arc Publications in 2009. He has also published pamphlets, including 'SOAPBOXES' and 'Myth of the Savage Tribes, Myth of Civilised Nations’, a collaborative work with the poet Sandeep Parmar. For many years James has been consistently talked of as 'one of the leading poets of his generation', endorsed by The Times as one of the 'ten rising stars of British poetry' in April 2009. He was the Poet in Residence at Clare Hall, University of Cambridge from 2011-2012 and is a Lecturer at Edge Hill University where he teaches poetry.

Artica Svalbard intends to promote discussions and thinking about the Arctic and its importance concerning questions of resources, nature, technology, society, culture and geopolitics in relation to the global world we live in today, and within the environmental and political changes we are facing collectively – both internationally and within the circumpolar region.

Artica Svalbard was conceived in order to contribute to the cultural life of Svalbard through dialogue with the local community, its resident researchers and varied professionals, together with the investigations and critical thinking of the participating artists and writers through an Artist-in-Residency programme and a series of public programmes.

Artica Svalbard was founded by the Norwegian Ministry of Culture, Fritt Ord (the Freedom of Expression Foundation) and the Cultural Business Development Foundation of the bank SpareBank1 Nord-Norge, on the 8th of November 2016.

Artica Svalbard Foundation has been made possible thanks to generous support from the Norwegian Ministry of Culture, Fritt Ord (the Freedom of Expression Foundation), the Cultural Business Development Foundation of the bank SpareBank1 Nord-Norge and The Savings Bank Foundation DNB.

Norwegian PEN is the Norwegian division of PEN International, the world’s largest writer and freedom of expression organisation, and was founded in 1922.
Norwegian PEN focuses its activities on work related to freedom of expression. Norwegian PEN works to contribute to increased public awareness of the value of free debate and free expression, nationally and internationally. The organisation helps writers, journalists and publishers in countries where freedom of speech and freedom of information is under pressure, where colleagues are harassed, persecuted, monitored and imprisoned because they exercise their right to express their opinion. Norwegian PEN administers the Norwegian part of the international cities of refuge for persecuted writers. The network is run by ICORN (International Cities of Refuge Network). Today, there are 14 Norwegian cities of refuge; more than 60 persecuted writers have come to Norway as ICORN guest writers since 1995.

Longyearbyen Library is located at the very heart of Longyearbyen. The library was newly refurbished in June 2017 and includes an extensive Polar literature collection.

: Longyearbyen folkebibliotek
Tid: fredag 7. juli 18:00